I keep rewriting this trying to make it brief but detailed enough the answer I want but its not working grr. Straight to the point Edge of the Empire has Force Sensitive Exile a not quite fully trained Jedi who survived and is now hiding his powers to continue to survive example Kannan from Rebels, and Age of Rebellion has Force Emergent someone who's recently discovered their connection to the force that the rebellion is helping to hide from the Empire and maybe having him learn to use his power to help them, example Ezra from Rebels. My question is how does Force and Destiny fit in, are the players really trained Jedi and if so where are they coming from because the previous installments make it pretty clear that there's no Jedi around.
Please no one say prequel or sequel era because I've got a Edge of the Empire running side by side with an Age of Rebellion campaign, were talking cross over NPC's and events, among other fun stuff and having a third installment to add a third group of heroes and plot hooks to the mix would be amazing considering I've already got a force emergent bounty hunter and scoundrel, they said that tree fit their characters better and who was I to argue. I guess the question is where are these Jedi coming from maybe Tython would be a good fit considering its been a Jedi haven in the past to retreat to when things got bad for the Jedi Order.