Can a force user use move to catch a thrown grenade?

By Issumar2380, in General Discussion

As the title suggest can a force user use move power to catch a thrown grenade? My group and I, are new to this system and love it dearly.

Move power itself, sort of, not really - at least in combat. In combat, you can basically narrate somebody tossing a grenade and rolling a Despair that causes it to blow up in their face as the defender using the Force to push it back at the attacker.

If it's out of combat, and the GM is saying that the players see a grenade coming their way, then sure, a player could roll their Force Move check to toss it away.

For something more reliable than Despairs, you may want to look at the Protect power. Use the Control upgrade to make it work against all forms of attack, and then Mastery to revert it back at the opponent. You could narrate it as just tossing the grenade back, or the grenade actually exploding and you pushing the force/shrapnel/etc. back at the attacker.

My GM in Force and Destiny let me make a Discipline check to move a grenade. With successes and some advantage, I was able to throw it back at the stormtrooper who tossed it into a room full of kids. I'd probably let my players do something similar.

We use a patch rule. If the FU have the initiatieve, I let him/her use move as defense against the grenade or even missile, spending the Action as if the FU "Foresee" the attack.

Okay thanks again for your replies.

They certainly have in the Clone Wars show. Buuuuut... rules allowing it is a different story.

Flip a Destiny point (or two) then let the force-user take an initiative slot early to instantly respond? With a couple upgrades to the difficulty of course. Despairs generated by the upgrades could be interesting. GM: "You react quickly and desperately, and in your haste you over-push the grenade. It flies past the thrower, over his head, and lands in the middle of the Ewok family that was guiding you through the jungle".

As the title suggest can a force user use move power to catch a thrown grenade?

That's what the Despair result on their check to throw the grenade means. ;)

I'd tell them to commit a Force Die for the round and make any thrown attack against him/her upgraded. The Despair the red dice adds represents the player reacting in time to the grenade and force pushing it back to the attacker while the extra Failures represent the player force pushing the grenade somewhere harmless.

I'd at least charge a Destiny point for that - or your basically getting 20 xp (Sense) worth of force powers for free.

Pay a Destiny Point to upgrade the check, and narrate it as the Force user using the Move power.