Nexu paint scheme suggestions.

By thor0298, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Anyone have a good paint scheme for citadel paints. I was looking for lighter fur and don't know what for the light pink tail

Sorastro is aiming to finish his video guide on painting the Nexu this weekend. I'd hold off for a few days and watch that first.

Sorastro is aiming to finish his video guide on painting the Nexu this weekend. I'd hold off for a few days and watch that first.

You do know it's possible to paint things differently than he does, right? ;)

Three schemes I've been considering are a yellow-brown (like a leopard or lion), a dark ruddy brown (like an otter), and a grey/whiteish (like a white tiger), all with darker stripe. So, the Citadel Base colors would be XV-88, either Rhinox Hide or Mournfang Brown, and Celestra Grey, respectively. Highlight using the Layer paints in the triad.

Other alternatives:

Use the bone colors for a lighter bobcat-type look.

Use Daemonette Hide and go with the purplish-gray that GW uses for Slaanesh daemons.

Use a dark gray or black base, and use Dark Reaper and Thunderhawk for a green-gray (like Sorastro's officer).

Use the same dark base, or The Fang, for a blueish gray.

Use one of the other brown triads for similar variation.

Honestly, it's a weird alien spacecat - it might look less believable if you paint a large predator in neon-bright primary colors, but other than that, you can paint the thing just about any color you want.

- H8

Thanks for the help. For me, I am new to painting, I don't have an issue doing the painting but coming up with the paints doesn't always seem to come to me

Thanks for the help. For me, I am new to painting, I don't have an issue doing the painting but coming up with the paints doesn't always seem to come to me

You and me both. That's why I'm putting my faith in Sorastro. If not for him I would have never even picked up a brush! Perhaps my wallet ought to have words with him... :P