exchanging items/money

By ColtonPhillips, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

does it cost movement points to exchange items?

can you exchange money? skills? training tokens? potions?

how many times can you exchange in one turn?

can a monkey exchange items?

Thank you.

does it cost movement points to exchange items?

can you exchange money? skills? training tokens? potions?

how many times can you exchange in one turn?

can a monkey exchange items?

Thank you.

Yes, one.

No, no, no, yes.

As often as you like.

Doesn't make sense, but I think the rules allow it.

It costs 1 movement point for each item you want to trade, and you can only give away items on your turn, you can't take them. You also have to be adjacent to the hero receiving the item. Anything that is not an item cannot be traded (no coins, skills, training, health and fatigue tokens, hero abilities, orders, turn markers, etc.) unless there's a special rule that says it can be (e.g. Pico, for 2 movement points).

Monkeys cannot take any movement actions, and thus can't give items to other heroes. It would still be possible to give an item to a monkey, but they couldn't use it until they transform back.

Thanks. Also I wanted to know if you could sell skills. Since it doesn't declare if they are actually an "item" or not.

ColtonPhillips said:

Thanks. Also I wanted to know if you could sell skills. Since it doesn't declare if they are actually an "item" or not.

No. But if you want to houserule it gran_risa.gif . "Here are my thoughts, mr merchant."

You can't sell skills. Allowing heroes to sell skills would probably be a rather bad idea, as that potentially gives them a bunch of liquid assets right at the game's start when they're supposed to be poor, and skills are so variable in power that some of them would be worth selling for 10% of the buy price, let alone the usual 50%.