Armada/Imperial Assault Campaign

By reedjs21, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

So some friends and I are getting ready to dig into Imperial Assault for the first time and I am thinking of running the game biweekly with the off weeks being an Armada game tailored around the missions in Imperial Assault to add some flair. Has anyone else thought about this/Given it a try? If so, what is your feedback? Anyone interested in helping come up with material for Armada Missions feel free to jump on board as I will be posting some info here as well. Im thinking of coming up with custom scenarios for the fleets with bonuses that play back to future missions and coming up with custom rules depending on the mission. Might want to look to others to "playtest" for balance mechanics and such. I have written up the first Armada Mission which I will post shortly for the community to review and provide any feedback.


Imperial Assault Partner Mission: Aftermath

Armada Setup:

Fleet Build: Core Set 180pt

Imperial Setup:

Victory II Star destroyer: 85 Pts

Captain Jarre (Grand Moff Tarkin): 25pts

Enhanced Hangers: 5pts

Gunnery Team: 7 pts

4 Tie Fighter Squadrons: 32pts

Rebel Setup

CR90A: 44 Pts

Electronic Counter Measures: 7pts

Nebulon B Escort Frigate: 57pts

General Dodonna: 20pts

3 X Wing Squadrons: 39pts

1 Lambda Class Shuttle (Luke Skywalker Squadron*): 13 Pts

Setup Area: 3 x 3 with 5 Debris Fields to represent Death Star Debris

Mission Briefing: The Death Star has been destroyed but the fight is not over. The Imperials are still mounting resistance and engaging the rebel forces on Yavin. On the ground an imperial beacon has been detected nearby the rebel base potentially leading to a security breach for the rebel forces. They have dispatched a small elite force to silence the beacon but the rebel wants to ensure that their elite forces are able to complete the mission unhindered. In order to distract the Imperials during the insertion, a small force of rebel ships has been tasked with distracting the imperial fleet which appears to be using a small star destroyer on patrol over the area where the beacon is located. Sensor’s indicate this Star Destroyer to be the “Ascendency” a refitted Victory II Star Destroyer led by Captain Jarre. The Rebel’s dispatch a Corellian Corvette and a Nebulan B Frigate to distract the Ascendency while 3 squadrons of X-wings escort the insertion force’s shuttle to the insertion point.

Imperial Victory Conditions: Destruction of the Shuttle (Major Victory) results in the Rebels crash landing the shuttle, losing surprise on the assault and failure of the mission. Destruction of the Nebulon B Escort Frigate normal victory, Destruction of the CR90A Minor Victory.

Rebel Victory Conditions: Survival of the Shuttle through turn 6 minor victory, elimination of both waves of tie fighters normal victory, or defeat of the Victory II Star Destroyer will result in major victory.

Special Rules:

Luke Skywalker Squadron: Lambda Class Shuttle: Remove the wording Escort from the card description, all other stats remain the same.

Imperial Reinforcements: Turn 4, the Imperial Player can launch 3 new Tie Fighter Squadrons from the Ascendency to join the fray. Focus will be on the X-wings as the captain has determined the fight was a distraction from the escaping shuttle, unless the Ascendency is close to death where the tie fighters will aid in defending the capital ship from destruction.

Captain Jarre: Works similar to Moff Tarkin but only can choose either a Navigate or Squadron Command Token at start of the round.

Rewards: Reinforcement Points, to be used in future Armada Missions:

Minor Victory: 15pts

Normal Victory: 30pts

Major Victory: 45pts

I've been working on something similar. I figure I'll need at least 10 missions written out to have a replayable campaign. I'm planning on sticking closer to IA so I won't be using Armada's point system. Upgrades will be rewards for successful missions and I'll need to re-cost the bad guys so I can use them with IA's Threat point system.

I also think that having a drawn out set-up map is important for scenario balance. So each ship starts in a specific location. It will allow for a greater variety of mission types.

Edited by Hedgehobbit