Trying to get a cardbase. I want all of your crappy commons. I would prefer to buy in lots.

By smilinator, in Agrabah Bazaar

My friend and i just started playing and we are trying to build a card base. i bought a wisdom form starter and he bought a steamboat mickey starter. We cant find packs anywhere but on the internet so i am trying to buy those. I am interested in all cards. My biggest wants are dark riku, axel and his rings, and zaldin and his spears. I also need any base cards, but i dont know what they are, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks

I could probably supply you with 2 -3 sets of complete Commons and uncommons from sets 1 thru 4. There would be a few exceptions like Cave of Wonders Guardian, Spears, Chakrams, Dusks, etc. BUT, if you are interested I can tell you what all I can provide you and what wouldn't be included.

OK, sets 1-3 I can do three full sets of commons and uncommons (at least, technically I could probably do about 6 sets of uncommons and 15 or 16 sets of commons). Set 4 I can do 3 full sets of commons, 1 full set of uncommons. I can also do a partial set of uncommons from set 4 which would be short a Pence, Phil, Rai, and Cave of Wonders Guardian. So, question is, what do you want and what can you offer me? Keep in mind that this is a LOT of cards so shipping is most likely going to be around $10 alone. Let me know then either here or at .

yes i am very interested. more details plz. if you dont want to post here

i am interested in all three sets. i dont have any good cards i can trade. i will buy them though if you want to sell. i can make an offer or you can tell me what you will sell for.

E-mail sent, just let me know what you think then.