So I understand that tactically, the rebellion operates in cells, employs privateers, prefers hit-and-run ambushes, lopsided engagements, etc. But when I think about the logistics involved with waging a full scale civil war, it doesn't make sense with what I've seen in the movies, i.e. hidden rebel bases with a singular, relatively small fleet and no obvious political weight. My problem is that the movies portray the rebellion as a group of insurgents rather than a real, substantial military/political force, and I realize that I have no idea how the rebellion is actually fighting the civil war at large.
I ask because I want to know how likely it is for my players to feel the impact of the conflict. Is it at all likely for them to jump into a system in the middle of an engagement, or be on a planet experiencing heated and prolonged fighting on the ground? Are there rebellion controlled planets or systems they could visit, or does the rebellion not secure territory? What's the rebellion's strategy to win the war other than get lucky and assassinate the emperor, or is that actually it?
It'd be really helpful to know to help me flesh some sessions and adventures, since my experience with the cannon is limited to the movies and t.v. shows and one series of post-endor books. Thanks guys.