I get how you handle a ship colliding with one other ship, but I'm a little uncertain about how you handle things if you have a secondary collision when temporarily reducing your speed.
Step 1: Corvette is moving at Speed 4, is able to fly right over the Frigate without issue, but ends up running into the VSD
Step 2: The Corvette overlaps the VSD, so it temporarily reduces its speed to 3 and attempts to finish its maneuver.
Step 3: The Corvette now overlaps the Frigate, so it temporarily reduces its speed to 2 and attempts to finish its maneuver.
Step 4: The Corvette can now be placed at the speed 2 notch on the maneuver tool.
But now what happens damage-wise?
The Rules Reference says "then deal one facedown damage card to the ship that moved and the closest ship it overlapped."
Does that mean the Corvette just gets a single damage card? Or does it get two: one for each collision?
Which other ship(s) take damage? The VSD, the Frigate, or both?