lets make a trade

By elstevo, in Agrabah Bazaar

ok this is my first time on the trade forums so i hope everything goes smoothly


Lvl 4 Donald (Set 2) x1

Lvl 4 Cloud x2

Lvl 4 Sephiroth x2

Lvl 2 Aerith x3

Lvl 3 Jack Sparrow x2

Snow White

Olympia x2 (set 4)

Rai x3

Pence x2

Oblivion x2 (set 4)

Cid x1

Daisy x1

Ultima Weapon x1

Lvl 1 Halloweentown x3


Riku (promo)

Lvl 1 SImba (promo)

Kingdom Key

Lvl 3 Simba (set 4)

Lvl 3 Simba Foil (set 1)

Lvl 3 Simba non foil (set 1)

Lvl 1 Hundred Acres Woods

Lvl 1 Agrabah (set 4)

Lvl 1 Agrabah (set 3) x2

Twillight Town x4

Lvl 8 Hades (set 4)

Lvl 8 Jafar Genie (set 4)

Lvl 6 Crescendo (set 4) x2

Lvl 4 Search Ghost (set 4) x2

Lvl 3 Alladin (set 4) x2

Lvl 3 Beast (set 4) x3

Ansem (set 4)

Lvl 1 Genie Foil

Lvl 4 Genie (set 1)

Lvl 2 Monstro

Lvl 0 Hundred Acre Woods

Lvl 3 End of the World

Lvl 3 Agrabah Foil (Set 3) x3

Lvl 3 Agrabah x5


Thundaga (old) x2

Aeroga x6

Stopga x4

Blizzaga (old) x3


Lvl 2 Simba Foil x2

Lvl 4 Bambi

Lvl 2 Chesire Cat Foil

Lvl 2 Chesire Cat

Lvl 3 Hercules (old) x2

Lvl 4 Alladin x2

Lvl 0 Jasmine (old) x3

Lvl 3 Jack Skellington

Lvl 0 Sally (old) x2

Lvl 0 Owl foil x3

Lvl 0 Owl x3

Lvl 1 Winnie the Pooh x4

Lvl 0 Winnie the POoh x2

Lvl 1 Pinnochio x3

Lord Fortune x5

Wight Knight

Trickmaster x3

and any commons and uncommons you might want to trade just let me know

Hi, and welcome!

I'm interested in your "Lvl 3 Simba Foil (set 1)". Would you trade it for my Jack Sparrow and Halloween Town lv 1 (set 1)? If that's ok, email me at innokas_pelaaja@hotmail.com

I hope you can send first because this is your first trade trade here. I live in Finland, can you send overseas?

i have two pences, one oblivion, a daisy duck holo, a jack sparrow, and 2x halloween town lv1 and i need your simba lv3 foil and riku promo. check my thread for what else i have and to see if you have what i need.

you'll have to email me ar justyn.jacoby@hotmail.com mine is being stupid.