Star Wars Minis maps

By Combanzai, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

I imagine someone has tried the but if you havn't the old Star Wars Minis maps work great for ether making your own side mission or skirmish game. There is one impaticular that is the shield generator base on Endor. Lots of trees around it with 2 speeders sitting outside the enterance. Getting in takes takes fighting your way past a couple stormtroopers or you can have Nexu instead. After completing your mission inside, heros walk out to see an AT-ST or 2.


Ya, I've jazzed up a couple of those maps. They work well and look great.

Love this idea, need to get my hands on some SWM maps!

Cut them down a bit first as they're a tad big. I mount mine on 20x30 foamboard and cut the excess off and they've worked well at 20x30.