"Command" ability inconsistency?

By MadsOesterby, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


I failed to find any comments on this anywhere, so now I ask here.

The "command" ability is described in two different ways in the core rulebook and in the "Special Abilities Summary" on page 28 of the "well of darkness" rules.

Core book: "adds 1 to damage and range of all attacks..."

Well of Darkness page 28: "adds 1 to the damage of all ranged attacks..."

Which am I to believe?

Kind regards,

Command adds to both range and damage.

From the Tomb of Ice rules:

Command: A figure with Command adds 1 to the range and damage of all attacks made by friendly figures within 3 spaces.

From the Road to Legend rules:

A figure with Command adds +1 damage and +1 range to all attacks made by friendly figures within three spaces of it (including itself, and ignoring line of sight) for each rank in Command it has. If there are multiple figures with Command within three spaces of a figure, the effects are cumulative.

I agree; every rulebook other than Well of Darkness agrees with the original version.

Now I have to remember to check my printed version of WoD and see whether they corrected the printed version but not the PDF (again)...

Mads said:

The "command" ability is described in two different ways in the core rulebook and in the "Special Abilities Summary" on page 28 of the "well of darkness" rules.

The summary pages at the backs of various rulebooks are put together quickly and (unfortunately) have been prone to a few mistakes. When in doubt, the offical answer is to go with what's written in the body of the rulebook over what's written on the summary sheets.

This has lead to me making my own summary sheets and/or downloading other people's from BGG or the like, since there's not much point in having one on the back of the rulebook if I can't trust what it says ;)

Also, remember that the figure with Command is "a friendly figure within 3 spaces" of itself and gains the bonus as well.

Thanks for the answers! That clears it up. I thought the WoD summary rule sounded rather odd anyhow. A melee master giving bonuses to ranged attacks only? :)

Kind regards,

New print editions of the WoD rulebook has indeed been corrected. Seems FFG just need to update their PDF.

Kind regards,
Mads Østerby