Change Dice Facing question

By ForsakenPoptart, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

I tried my search-fu and didnt come up with anything but I came across an issue while reading something from another site.

In short it said that if a card or ability allows you to change the face of a dice to another facing with a different symbol, the new facing has to have at least one of the different symbols on it.

If this is true then if a card or ability that says change one of your "X"'s to a face with a HIT icon on it..theoretically I could change it to a face that had TWO HIT icons on it since it has at least one HIT icon.

I've always interpreted the reading as if it says change it to a HIT icon then you can only change it to a facing with a single HIT icon, otherwise it would have stated change it to a HIT HIT facing or etc etc.

any thoughts?

What makes you believe this is true? Nothing in the rules seems to say so.

Reference Rules, p7, "Modifying Dice":

"Change: When a die is changed, rotate it to display the indicated face."

Seems like if you are asked to change it to a symbol, that indicates the exact face you are to change it to. So if it's one hit symbol it has to be a face with one hit.

Edited by chrisdk

Second one. A side with two hits still has a bit icon.

Screed with black dice would be another example. A crit plus hit side still has a crit on it.

Second one. A side with two hits still has a bit icon.

Screed with black dice would be another example. A crit plus hit side still has a crit on it.

Actually, just looking at the card text:

If it says "a card with a Hit Icon on it" then that is any face that has at least one of the icons.

So I agree. For abilities worded like this, it is true that you can take double hits or hits and crits.

Edit: Assuming the wording stays the same until release.

Edited by chrisdk

Great question! It came up in this Reddit thread where Goldengrahamss pointed out this blurb from the Star Destroyers preview article:

The fact that you can use Admiral Screed’s ability once per activation means that you can apply it to each capital ship in your fleet. However, activating it requires the sacrifice of one of your attack dice. In the case where you roll two blanks, the decision to sacrifice one of them to turn the other into a critical result is a relative no-brainer, but those situations should be relatively rare. The blue attack die has no blank faces, and the red and black attack dice have only two blank faces each.

Still, Admiral Screed’s ability can come in handy even if you don’t roll blanks. For example, the face of the black attack die that shows a <crit> result also shows a <damage> result. If you sacrifice one <damage> result to convert another <damage> result to a result of <damage> plus <crit>, you lose no damage but gain the opportunity to trigger a critical effect.

So yes, it's been stated from FFG that you can indeed change to a crit + damage die face.

And the article that previewed Screed indicated just that - that you can use his ability to change a die to the face that shows crit/hit.

WOWOWOW thats crazy.. and I didnt think I could "spend" blank dice either.. this changes a lot! Thanks guys!!