Anyone seen what the next set of Core Rules they're going to be working on is? Or if there will be one?
What's next?
Anyone seen what the next set of Core Rules they're going to be working on is? Or if there will be one?
They haven't announced anything past the three current ones that they initially announced.
I hope there won't be anymore.
Rather, I'd like to see 'era' books that are marketted as being part of all the lines, not sure what I'd call it. But I'd start with "Clone Wars" - and market it as being something that can be used with any or all the other three. Leave core mechanics out, just include new stuff and setting guide.
I could see Era support, but I'd be willing to bet the first one will be Age of Resistance, (ie, the new movies). It's going to be the big thing for the next few years, I can't see why they wouldn't take advantage of it, so long as it fits in their publication model.
Anyone seen what the next set of Core Rules they're going to be working on is? Or if there will be one?
The next core book is "Star Wars: Age of Ewoks".
Don't know if you guys saw the interview with Keith Kappel, but he seemed to talk about the last 2 SW celebrations and what kind of campaigns he ran which were Storm Trooper PCs, so if a Dev has been running that type of campaign, I could see FFG coming out with a Storm Trooper book, other than that nothing about another core book. ****. my little bro's name is Keith and you would think I could spell it right.
Edited by Osprey
Anyone seen what the next set of Core Rules they're going to be working on is? Or if there will be one?
The next core book is "Star Wars: Age of Ewoks".
Star Wars: Bungle In The Jungle.
I hope there won't be anymore.
Rather, I'd like to see 'era' books that are marketted as being part of all the lines, not sure what I'd call it. But I'd start with "Clone Wars" - and market it as being something that can be used with any or all the other three. Leave core mechanics out, just include new stuff and setting guide.
I'd be all in favor of this. I hope to see the Prequel era fleshed out sooner rather than later.
I could see Era support, but I'd be willing to bet the first one will be Age of Resistance, (ie, the new movies). It's going to be the big thing for the next few years, I can't see why they wouldn't take advantage of it, so long as it fits in their publication model.
I'd rather see that either next year's 'beta/era splat' or even the one after that (Rather, if no beta, then just release, with a different era in between). So we have more to work with than just one movie. Plus doing it next year would mean a relatively contemporary release with Ep 8 in 2017...
that would mean this year could be Clone Wars - which we have lots of info about. Next something. Year after that New Trilogy. But we'll see.
Old republic and the prequel would be nice as books.
I could see Era support, but I'd be willing to bet the first one will be Age of Resistance, (ie, the new movies). It's going to be the big thing for the next few years, I can't see why they wouldn't take advantage of it, so long as it fits in their publication model.
I'd rather see that either next year's 'beta/era splat' or even the one after that (Rather, if no beta, then just release, with a different era in between). So we have more to work with than just one movie. Plus doing it next year would mean a relatively contemporary release with Ep 8 in 2017...
that would mean this year could be Clone Wars - which we have lots of info about. Next something. Year after that New Trilogy. But we'll see.
I agree, Prequel Trilogy should definitely come first before they turn to the new movies. Old Republic after than, then turn to the new stuff.
It's a shame all the eras I want to say, and know someone will go "that's not real anymore!
", or the better, but worse "those aren't true canon now, so they can't technically use the material in "official works" at this time", and that will make me scowl. Now, please imagine the usual whining from me about the EU going poof, and I'll spare everyone from actually doing it. Nah, I will mention one; Legacy. Canon or not, if I ever get the rules for this system down pat, and get some friends to play it, Legacy might be the spot, so that i don't have to use the movies, and it keeps the same feel as Edge, Age, and Destiny, with few Jedi, piratical players, a ragtag rebellion, that is part of the Galactic Alliance, fighting a Sith-led Empire, and almost everything fits neatly.
I could live with some era books, and maybe some stuff like Saga's Threats of the Galaxy book, or even Starships of the Galaxy, with some lists of more NPC schmoes, critters, some more ships to fly, fight, and fancy, and maybe some frameworks for named NPCs. In truth, there are many parts of me that don't want them to just stat Vader, the Emperor, and the rest, either because following material will then render them incomplete, and because NPCs aren't built the same, but some idea of how the folks might accomplish what we know they do, for those of us to whom the grasp of the entire system isn't so strong as for others, would be cool.
I could see Era support, but I'd be willing to bet the first one will be Age of Resistance, (ie, the new movies). It's going to be the big thing for the next few years, I can't see why they wouldn't take advantage of it, so long as it fits in their publication model.
I'd rather see that either next year's 'beta/era splat' or even the one after that (Rather, if no beta, then just release, with a different era in between). So we have more to work with than just one movie. Plus doing it next year would mean a relatively contemporary release with Ep 8 in 2017...
that would mean this year could be Clone Wars - which we have lots of info about. Next something. Year after that New Trilogy. But we'll see.
I agree, Prequel Trilogy should definitely come first before they turn to the new movies. Old Republic after than, then turn to the new stuff.
Yep, not to mention, I'd rather get a 'new movies' era book when the movies are out and have had time to sink in!
Venkelos, I'm with you. I love the Legacy era. It's got something for everyone.
I would think that such a title would be titled "Legends" now. :-), but doubt we will see such a book. Doubt FFG has a license for it. It seems Disney wants to put "Legends" behind them.
We will probably see a book on the new era, they just announced that they received the rights to Force Awakens. Considering they recently received the rights or recently announced at least, doubt we will see such a book for a while. I doubt that Disney wants too much information on the new film in the wild yet anyhow, i.e. doubt they have much info to base such a book on.
Would love to see an empire book, my group would love to play empire characters.
Probably, here's hoping that the new movie will be good, and we'll WANT to attach it to our games. I have no real reason to think it won't, certainly, and it is Star Wars, which helps. Disney has, for the most part, done a quite decent job with Marvel, so far, with a few little wrinkles (my opinion, all of Iron Man 3, and possibly bowing down before RDJr, again, and giving Tony the creation of Ultron, when that is not even remotely true), but who doesn't have a few hiccups? So long as they don't have Force Unleashed 2 Yoda cameos for the original cast of Star Wars, just to put them on the box, and then make a whole movie with newbs, and not the newbs I wanted, yet, and hopefully not bring back a clone of Vader, because why?, I'm expecting to be happy, and if they tank it, I'll continue to ignore it, and reference the EU as what happened. I have friends who have been playing the same SW campaign in WEG d6 for over 20 years, and they made up stuff in the 80's that they still reference that is certainly "wrong", regardless of whose fluff, other than their own, you use, and have only sort of incorporated some NJO EU stuff, as their GM liked. They've built 4 cheese characters, and also played those characters kids up to a somewhat respectable level, and they still seem to live happy lives. If I have to, I'll just stick my fingers in my ears, and go "la la lah", until people stop telling me I'm wrong.
And, if it's good, like Rebels has been, so far, I'll be happy, and thank them for not ENTIRELY crapping on my childhood.
I hope there won't be anymore.
Rather, I'd like to see 'era' books that are marketted as being part of all the lines, not sure what I'd call it. But I'd start with "Clone Wars" - and market it as being something that can be used with any or all the other three. Leave core mechanics out, just include new stuff and setting guide.
Yes I think I will have enough Core books at 3. They can
remain the primary setting with expansion books such as Clone Wars (first one), the new trilogy (when complete, I don't want a new upgraded book every 2 years), then if they still have the license start doing stuff like KotoR.
Doing more Core books would be tedious for those collecting everything. Plus, from a marketing standpoint, it may actually hurt their profit. If you are big on a Clone Wars campaign you might have to purchase not only the expansion, but perhaps both AoR and F&D to have the appropriate stuff (military and force-using). If there was an Age of Clones core that's only one book.
Edited by SturnOn the plus side, these three core rulebooks work nicely together. That might seem obvious, and not even much of a thing, but if I look at FFG's other RPG work, 40k stuff, you REALLY can't say that. Dark Heresy (1.0 & 2.0), Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, and Only War BARELY exist in the same universe as most 40k, or even each other, where each one was sort of a beta for the previous, sometimes they copy/pasted stuff, but sometimes they ALSO changed stuff, so the book might say two different things, or make a reference that no longer works. Power Levels are a thing, too, since the builds mean Space Marines work poorly with other builds, regardless of what they are, and often those same others can skill an Astartes under the table, without even needing to try.
Thank you FFG for making the three chunks of your Star Wars game mostly the same, and made to work in concert. Yeah, I don't need ANOTHER core book, but I'm thrilled that these three (once F&D is a real book) are mostly interchangeable.
That's why a... whatever they want to call a gestalt sourcebook line would work.
Clone Wars? And just want to do Jedi? Then you really would only need F&D to have the Force Powers, the Clone Trooper rules would be in the book enough to be NPCs. Just want to do Clone Troopers? Well, any of the books to have the core mechanics is good enough. MAYBE Rebellion, but I could see it working as Troopers being their own thing. Probably using Duty though. Or maybe "Brotherhood"
Edge basically works for any era as long as you have the tech spelled out for you.
I really wish FF would buy out all WEGs Star Wars materials and convert them for source material and setting as well as artwork and such.
Few things.
- This is a bit of necro thread, since there were no responses on it for like 4 months.
- There's another active thread on this unfortunate topic here .
- On this:
I would think that such a title would be titled "Legends" now. :-), but doubt we will see such a book. Doubt FFG has a license for it. It seems Disney wants to put "Legends" behind them.
I probably sound like a broken record since I keep bringing this up, but it keeps being relevant:
FFG's CEO stated very clearly that they don't want to touch stuff outside of the 6 movies and 2 TV series since the EU is in such a state of flux right now. I don't ever expect to see an official FFG SW RPG product dedicated to material that doesn't come from one of the following sources:
- The 3 OT films
- The 3 PT films
- The Clone Wars TV series
- The Rebels TV series
- LucasFilms-licensed media published during or after September 2015
- Purely original work of FFG based on the SW universe.
The "Old Republic" games and comics are a total crap shoot.
I don't think anything outside of this list will ever be the primary subject of an FFG product, core book or otherwise. That means to NJO source books, no Force Unleashed source books, no "Zahn triology" source books, etc. Bits of EU might get occasional shout-outs (e.g. all the Jedi history in the F&D core and the Chiss in the Explore the Unknown supplement), but nothing dedicated to that material.
About the only thing FFG does with Legends is pick and choose bits and pieces, mostly species, ships, and equipment.
I have to agree with LethalDose that the odds of seeing a setting book on a purely "Legends" setting such as KOTOR/SWTOR or Legacy Era is next to zilch.
Plus, you have to remember that the more casual Star Wars fans aren't aware of much of the EU/Legends, having predominately seen the movies, and maybe one or both of the TV series. To those folks, names like Grand Admiral Thrawn, Darth Krayt, Mara Jade and Yuuzhan Vong don't mean a thing.
Maybe that's a bit of where WotC failed, is that they tried to cover everything in the Star Wars setting across multiple eras instead of keeping a core focus on just one era (Rebellion Era) as FFG has done thus far. Then again, Star Wars RPG was never a huge priority for WotC, so it could just very well be that the powers that be simply decided to churn out some books with enough crunch to entice people to buy them and call it day.
there is also the fact that none of the base books are done yet. we still have 2 career books for edge. 4 for Age and 5 for force and destiny. Likely at least one more region book for age and 2 for Force and destiny. and that is just based on what they have released. I do not see them doing another core rule book.
Crap, it absolutely wasn't my intent to feed this necro thread with that post...
Anyone seen what the next set of Core Rules they're going to be working on is? Or if there will be one?
The next core book is "Star Wars: Age of Ewoks".
If you preorder it you get an Ewok cover of "The Thong Song".