Looking for Players in the Austin, Texas Area

By Nxperienced, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

There's a pretty decent X-Wing scene here. Any Armada players around the Austin area? I'm up near Cedar Park but don't mind driving.

Hey, I'm in Round Rock. I just picked up the game but I'm looking for people to get started with. I hear Dragons Lair in Austin has a starship minis night but I haven't been to see how many Armada players show up.

There was an Armada event at Dragon's Lair this past Saturday. Four people showed up. One person had two core sets, and the rest of us had one. We ended up playing a 2v2 300 point game. After that one, we played a 2v1 300 point game because one person had to go. It was a lot of fun. There are plans to have at least a monthly event. This particular event was not a tournament.

Good to know, I'll keep an eye out for the next event.

I work at Whose Turn Is It? Games, and we are looking to get a scene together. We are definitely in the south of Austin, but would be interested in having something monthly if anyone would show up.

I've been looking for a good group to play Armada with for a long time now. I play X-wing every Monday night at Tribe Comics & Games. I also go to Whose Turn Is It? when the work schedule allows for it. I'm eager to find or make a group with Wave 2 arriving soon!