Dunwich 7 replacement cards

By RedMageStatscowski, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

So Dunwich Horror gives me 7 replacement cards that are supposedly revised versions of Flesh Ward, Healing Stone and Lantern. When I checked it with my original cards, they're exact matches. I see no trace of difference between them. Wazzup? Is it that my current version of original Arkham Horror is already revised?

Yep. You clearly got into the game too late and thus have the Revised version of the base game. Ummm, then again, so do I sonrojado.gif . I put the replacements into the decks and kept the original versions in there as well. You can point out that there are now 2 Healing Stones in there, but haven't seen 2 in a game so far (89 games with the DH expansion), heck can't recall the last time I even saw one. Flesh Wards are a frequent Spell, but meh, it's the Spell deck, couldn't care less. More Lanterns in the Common Item deck, that's just fine by me. It's not like I shop at General Store anyway.

Dear all, i seem to be missing these cards... is there any photo of them so i can compare it with mine? thank you

you can visit this site here and check the text of all cards existing in the game