Questions: unspent Command dials and collisions

By Herowannabe, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

hey everyone, forgive me if these have been asked and answered elsewhere. If they have, please direct me to the relevant threads. :-)

1. What happens if you have a command dial (and you do NOT choose to convert it to a token) that you end up not using during your turn? For example, say I reveal a navigate command dial, and I plan to use it to slow down and change my yaw in order to avoid a collision, but while attacking I end up getting a lucky roll and destroying the ship I would have crashed into and then end up not using the navigate command dial at all? I assume the dial is lost without any effect (ie: you can't convert it to a token), but I couldn't find anything in the rules that specified what should happen.

2. When you collide with another ship, you are suppose to temporarily reduce your speed by 1 and then try again- but after reducing speed are you allowed to make changes to the movement template or is it required to stay in the same configuration? Again, the rules didn't make this clear for me.

Thanks in advance!

1. What happens if you have a command dial (and you do NOT choose to convert it to a token) that you end up not using during your turn? For example, say I reveal a navigate command dial, and I plan to use it to slow down and change my yaw in order to avoid a collision, but while attacking I end up getting a lucky roll and destroying the ship I would have crashed into and then end up not using the navigate command dial at all? I assume the dial is lost without any effect (ie: you can't convert it to a token), but I couldn't find anything in the rules that specified what should happen.

2. When you collide with another ship, you are suppose to temporarily reduce your speed by 1 and then try again- but after reducing speed are you allowed to make changes to the movement template or is it required to stay in the same configuration? Again, the rules didn't make this clear for me.

When you reduce your speed for a collision, you keep the template exactly as-is. You make no adjustments to any yaw clicks and you do not swap the template to the other side of the ship even if your ship base would overlap the template.

When you reduce your speed for a collision, you keep the template exactly as-is. You make no adjustments to any yaw clicks and you do not swap the template to the other side of the ship even if your ship base would overlap the template.

Cool, thanks a bunch. Do you have a source for the second answer?

When you reduce your speed for a collision, you keep the template exactly as-is. You make no adjustments to any yaw clicks and you do not swap the template to the other side of the ship even if your ship base would overlap the template.

Cool, thanks a bunch. Do you have a source for the second answer?

You know, I'm rereading "Overlapping" in the Rules Reference and I guess it doesn't explicitly state what I said. I'm mainly referring to where it says: "if a ship must execute a maneuver at a reduced speed due to overlapping another ship, it is allowed to overlap the maneuver tool in its final position." If you're allowed to adjust the clicks of your movement template for the slower speed, I don't see why you'd be granted extra turning abilities (placing the template on either side) unless the intent was that you leave the clicks the way they were.

Aha, I missed that line. That makes sense. Thanks again!

As I recall, the rules are clear that you are not allowed to change the maneuver tool once you have it jacked in to the ship. The overlapping rules says nothing to change that rule, so I would assume it is still in effect and no changes to yaw can be made.

As I recall, the rules are clear that you are not allowed to change the maneuver tool once you have it jacked in to the ship. The overlapping rules says nothing to change that rule, so I would assume it is still in effect and no changes to yaw can be made.

This, Once you put the tool in the pegs its fixed, no changes are allowed, so all the reduction in speed does is just bring you back along the tool a step.

Oh really... I missed that one too. I got thrown by the part that says you are allowed to line up your maneuver tool and adjust it however you like before committing to your move.

Oh really... I missed that one too. I got thrown by the part that says you are allowed to line up your maneuver tool and adjust it however you like before committing to your move.

Yeah, not my favorite rule. Kinda silly, you can line up the tool a millimeter away from the ships base and test it all you want, but if you breathe on it and it touches the notch "OOPS YOU'RE LOCKED IN NOW SUCKER!!"

If the tool actually snapped in place it would make more sense, but meh.