So, one of my biggest fail points on grasping the rules of a system with its own dice is how these two kinds play a part. I sort of get it that purple dice are difficulty dice, and most or all pools should have some. If I'm swinging a lightsaber, there will be 2 purples, while shooting from a bit further off will be 3 purples. If I'm swinging the same saber at the enemy commander, and he has Adversary 3, it will become 2 red and a purple, as each rank of Adversary upgrades a purple to red, and the third rank, not wanting to be left out, upgrades air to a purple. What about skills, though? Does the GM just add them in, as they see fit? Does each task have an average difficulty? My book doesn't totally say (Edge, Age, or the beta of this), in a way my brain is getting, anyway. I want to hack the computer, while dodging the sentries. Is it based on a bunch of their abilities, set values of the skills, or what?
In the critical table, it has a severity column, filled with purple dice, but I don't know why. Do you keep track of how high on that table the character is, and add them as Diff dice to their pools, till they get better, or is it part of healing from them?
Last one. I know that the Difficulty dice can be upgraded to Challenge dice, just to rain on someone's day, but when? I know a few things that will do it, like Adversary, but what else? As a strange example, I know that some modding can get up to 7 Difficulty dice, if you aren't using special ways to get around it. These dice aren't cheap-cheap, I've rarely seen them in my stores, and each set only comes with two or so Diff dice, and one Challenge die. if I don't have a dice app on my phone, can I upgrade the purples into reds, to get around limited numbers? It's introducing potential Despair that wasn't there, which sucks, but when I'm keeping track of assets, rather than numbers, I don't always want to have to remember what was gotten, and then have to roll more dice, to finish the pool. Assuming the good answer, and you DON'T do this, when else do those red dice work in?
Sorry for all the ________, but after decades of d20, pool d10, and the like, the dice in this system just throw me for a loop, with what gets used when, when you can alter it with blue and black d6s (boost and setback?), and what all the symbols can actually do, and NOT do, in various results (you got LOTS of Advantage, but no Successes? Sorry about that.) Any assistance on getting a firmer grasp on this system would be great, as I'd have to be the person in my group to run it, and I've already admitted here just houw daunting an idea that probably is, right now.