Celebrate Star Wars in Chicago May 1st-4th with great OP!

By GoldSquadron, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

The force is strong at Pastimes and we want it to be with you with our Star Wars Weekend Celebration. Play in amazing Star Wars events, learn how to play terrific Star Wars games with free demos, and save money on Star Wars comics and games. Use the power of the Force and come to Pastimes this weekend to enjoy all things Star Wars! If you are part of the 501st Legion, Rebel Legion, or Mandorlian Mercenaries costuming club show up in costume and participate in any event free of charge! All of our tournament will have special prizes including special items from Star Wars Celebration Anaheim 2015!

Star Wars Demos for Armada, X-Wing, Imperial Assault, Star Wars: the card game, & Star Wars RPG

We are in a Golden Age of Star Wars table top gaming. Fantasy Flight Games has five amazing different Star Wars games to suit anyone’s play style. Whether you are interested in large scale fleet battles, ship to ship dog fighting, tactical character missions and skirmishes, interactive role playing, or exciting tactical card games there is something for you. Play in anyone one of our demos all weekend long and for each different demo you do earn a free Star Wars Marvel Comic.

Friday, May 1st - Imperial Assault Skirmish Tournament
Time: Registration is at 6:00pm,
Tournament start at 7:00pm.
Entry Fee: $10.00
Play in this event to enjoy some unique and awesome scenarios and earn terrific prizes, including 3d sculpts of pieces for your Imperial Assault board game. 100% of entry fees are paid back to players in promotional prizes and store credit. Free demos will be available all night long!

Saturday, May 2nd - Star Wars: LCG Tournament
Time: Registration is at noon
Tournament starts at 12:30pm.
Entry Fee: $10.00
Bring your best deck and compete to truly show your mastery of the Force, with awesome store credit and promo card prizes. 100% of entry fees are paid back to players in promotional prizes and store credit. Free demos will be available all night long!
Saturday, May 2nd- Free comic book day check out the new line of Marvel Star Wars Comics and participate in events to win new Star Wars Marvel Comics.

Sunday, May 3rd - Star Wars: X-Wing Dogfight Tournament
Time: Registration is at noon
Tournament starts at 12:30pm.
Entry Fee: $10.00
Get your squadron ready to duke it out on the 3x3 for your chance to win amazing ships and other cool Star Wars promotional prizes. 100% of entry fees are paid back to players in promotional prizes and store credit. Free demos will be available all night long!

Monday, May the 4th - Star Wars: Armada Tournament
Time: Registration is at 6:00pm
Tournament starts at 7:00pm.
Entry Fee: $10.00
Play with the newest game in the Star Wars lineup with the best fleet you can field. 100% of entry fees are paid back to players in promotional prizes and store credit. Free demos will be available all night long!

Monday, May the 4th - Star Wars Epic Duels
Event begins at 7:30 p.m.
This is an old game that kind of Started Star Wars Miniatures table top gaming. Play Star Wars Epic Duels on a blown up version on the game using 3 ¾” action figures instead of miniatures. There is no charge this is open gaming feel free to bring your open copy of the game to this event.



8502 West Golf Road

Niles, Illinois 60714

(847) 470-9636