So, as I look through the F&D book, grabbing at ideas, and trying to hammer out understanding of this not d20/pool d10 system, I see a lot of things that say "you can take X strain to do y". These seem to be common, and not just among the Force-users. Is there another mechanic as important, possibly excluding health, as that keeps you LIVING, or is it just a nice min/maxing race to gather up as much Grit, Willpower, Discipline, and/or Cool as you can, and see how far you can push.
Yeah, this probably sounds as much like a min/maxing question of a player as it gets, but some of the things are cool, some might be things I'm just used to characters doing, and now are attached to a new mechanic, and with typically only a dozen or so Strain, and spending it in chunks of 2 or 3 for a single thing, it feels it would rack up. Seems to come back easily enough, though. So, is it something for everyone to prioritize, or just a good thing to keep in mind, while you play the game like a character?