So the rule for insanity states...
"insane characters have the following statistics: 0-cost, 0-skill, no
faction, no icons, no traits, and no text. An insane character can-
not commit to a story and is never considered to be committed
to a story."
It does not say anything about "name". This being the case, If an Alaskan Sled Dog is made insane does it reduce the combat of all the other Alaskan sled dogs in play or is the name on the card the only attribute which is retained during insanity. If this is the case then insanity would not effect the #'s of the other dogs in play.
The larger question:
Are cards that go insane consider to be an neutral insane cards with no qualities what-so-ever, or do they retain only their identity (consequently their status as "unique" as well)?