RTL: Spirit Walker any changes?

By Stefan, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi people,

I'm bullied around as OL by a combination of Runemaster Thorn and another guy having learned spirit walker, allowing him to trace line of sight 10 spaces away. Is there any rule change for this in RTL I overlooked, since in these small dungeons this means oftentimes everywhere .

Yes in RtL Spirit Walker only works 5 spaces. You can find this in the newest Descent FAQ.

I hope that helps.

Stefan said:

Hi people,

I'm bullied around as OL by a combination of Runemaster Thorn and another guy having learned spirit walker, allowing him to trace line of sight 10 spaces away. Is there any rule change for this in RTL I overlooked, since in these small dungeons this means oftentimes everywhere .

As Erik said, it is now 5 spaces.