FAQ update? Remy?

By SoyGreen, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey - any update on the FAQ? Has the list been submitted?

SoylentGreen said:

Hey - any update on the FAQ? Has the list been submitted?

Working on it. I apologize for the delay, I had some...interesting times at work sucking up my time.

I will get the list together this weekend out of that thread and post it for revisions. I did send an email asking if they were open to working on another FAQ update, and never got a response.

I will not be surprised however if they attempt to push us until after the release of SoB since I'm sure there will be things that will creep up in there. The one thing I will push on however is for them to revise and update the list of props and obstacles and the terrain interactions.

I do think they were concerned with the con they were at... that likely took a bit of their time and prep...

Might be a good time to retry. They are all valid concerns that need to be cleared up - and it SHOULD be done BEFORE they add even more confusion to the mix. :)

Email has been sent to the powers that be concerning a request for a FAQ update. I didn't send any questions, this was just a request for answer as to whether or not they are going to do one.

I'll post a response when/if I get one.