[LoR] Reclamation - Tie?

By Indalecio, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

This is about encounter 2 of Reclamation (Labyrinth of Ruin), where the objective for both sides is to gather 7 objective tokens (in a 4-players game).

Let's say heroes have already 6 tokens in play, and have the hero carrying the Sun Standard trying to attack a monster to get the seventh token and win on the spot.

The Overlord also has 6 tokens in play.

He plays Reflective Ward, both hero and monster die to the attack. Both sides gain an objective token. This occurs simultaneously.

Who wins?

Edited by Indalecio

I would say that the heroes win : if two effects appears at the same time, the player who's playing his turn is the one chosing in which order they will be done.

So, here it's one of the hero turn, he choose to take a token first then give one. But then he wins before he has to give back a token.

That's just a thought, I'm not sure at all it would works that way.

Kyarn is right. The player who's playing his turn is the one choosing in which order competing events will be resolved.

I agree there are many situations where it becomes natural to fall back to the natural order of things, and when that fails, giving the decision to the player operating the turn at the time of event.

But in this case I don't think you can say that the heroes get the token first and then interrupt the attack action saying that they just won on the spot. To me it seems the attack action needs to be fully resolved before you can check the win conditions. The card triggers when damage is dealt, so the hero is plain dead before you can check the objective conditions.

So even if there was an official rule saying the hero is favored because it's his turn, both figures are still dead, and the quest rules trigger so that both sides get an objective token. I cannot fathom denying the objective token to the overlord.

Then at 7-7 if a rule says the heroes take it because it was the heroes turn then fine. But I don't think such rule exists.

Kyarn is right. The player who's playing his turn is the one choosing in which order competing events will be resolved.

Indeed, but to my knowledge the attack action needs to be completed in its whole, so you still end up with two dead bodies.

Take for example the overlord card Blood Rage, in the finale of the Shadow Rune Campaign the heroes need to kill the evil dragon, while the overlord needs to kill all heroes. Imagine a situation where only the dragon and 1 hero remain on the map. Playing Blood Rage the Dragon gains an additional Attack action which allows him to kill the hero. Although Blood Rage would kill the Dragon as well, the overlord wins the quest, as the player currently playing his turn decides the order of competing events.

Does the victory condition states that the first to obtain (gather) 7 objective tokens wins?

Does the victory condition states that the first to obtain (gather) 7 objective tokens wins?

The exact wording is : If the heroes have a number of objective tokens in their play area equal to 3 more than the number of heroes, they win. Same exact condition for the overlord.

The heroes win, regardless of whether the whole action completes (which it doesn't).

Option 1) The hero has rolled his defense, and so has the monster. Surges have been spent. At this point, since multiple figures are affected by the attack, the hero can choose which figure to resolve "deal damage" for first. He chooses the monster. Monster dies, token gained, heroes win.

Option 2) Same as above, except monster dies, then hero dies, action is finished. Both sides are due to receive tokens simltaneously, heero chooses to receive theirs first, heroes win.

Rules Question:
When resolving "Blast" or "Fire Breath," is there an order choice in terms of resolving damage dealing/suffering? Specifically, say a Necromancer and Reanimate are both affected by the same attack on the OL's turn. Can the Overlord choose to "resolve damage" against the Reanimate first to prevent the use of "Dark Pact," or is the damage applied simultaneously, allowing the Necromancer to use the skill? Thanks!
Hey Paul,
In a timing conflict, the active player decides the order in which things resolve. Though technically all damage is dealt simultaneously, if there is an interfering trigger, such as the Necromancer looking to trigger Dark Pact, the overlord as the active player would then decide the order in which damage was resolved. In this case, to the Reanimate first to prevent the use of Dark Pact.
Thanks for playing!
Kara Centell-Dunk
Creative Content Developer

That is- fire breath kills both simultaneously. If it weren't for "Dark Pact", it would occur essentially simultaneously, no problem. However, because one of those simultaneous events is being used as a trigger, it becomes important to define exactly when it happened- and the active player gets to do that.

Likewise in this case, even though the defeats are "simultaneous," the "interfering trigger" is the victory condition. It's a thing of consequence that makes the order of who died first crucial, so the deaths must be resolved in a specific order. Whether you want to say that the monster is dealt/suffers damage first or just that the heroes receive their token first is inconsequential. The end result is that the active player chooses the winner.

I'm sorry, Indalecio, but there is no tie in this case. (Ties are, in fact, impossible with regard to victory conditions.)

Edited by Zaltyre

No need to be sorry, I wasn't trying to win this discussion :)

It was this "reclarification" I wasn't sure about, but if you say that it is part of FFGs official answer to timing conflicts then it's good enough for me.

Thanks all

No need to be sorry, I wasn't trying to win this discussion :)

Oh no- I just meant sorry you got so close to winning that quest, only to lose based on whose turn it was.

No need to be sorry, I wasn't trying to win this discussion :)

Oh no- I just meant sorry you got so close to winning that quest, only to lose based on whose turn it was.

Yeah oh well, campaign is already over if you ask me, as every quest we play is a disaster for the OL :) This one quest I got luck on the dice rolls as opposed to the heroes, but the gear alone made it no contest.