So, tooling around with fleet builders I came across a particular combo that I'm not 100% sure on the interaction.
Keep in mind that yes, the wording on these cards may change when we see them for real.
Gladiator with:
Engine techs : (navigate command) after you execute a maneuver, you may exhaust this card to perform a speed 1 maneuver
Demolisher (title): During your activation, you can perform 1 of your attacks after you execute a maneuver
So, by themselves, pretty self explanatory. But combine them, things get fuzzy.
It seems pretty clear that both effects, if invoked, are happening simultaneously. So, as far as I know, the controlling character would decide which to do first. So, the question is, which of the following scenarios are legal?
Scenario 1
1.) Shoot once(or not)
2.) Maneuver
3.) (Demolisher) shoot once
4.) (engine techs) Speed 1 maneuver
Scenario 2
1.) Shoot once(or not)
2.) Maneuver
3.) (engine techs) Speed 1 maneuver
4.) (Demolisher) shoot once
finally, and most disturbingly if legal
Scenario 3
1.) Don't shoot!
2.) Maneuver
3.) (Demolisher) Shoot once
4.) (engine techs) Speed 1 maneuver
5.) (Demolisher(again!)) Shoot once
Pretty sure either of the first two cases are fine for the reasons I mentioned above. However, scenario 3 . . . Demolisher just says after a maneuver, perform one of your attacks. Engine techs reads like it's a whole separate maneuver. So can a gladiator walk up to someone's face, vomit black dice from its front hull, bank speed 1 with engine techs, and vomit more black dice from it's side into the same target?
After writing this, I'm leaning towards . . yes . . . it may be totally ok . . .
Need thoughts on this!
(I love **** like this)