Hyperspace Assault and Squadrons

By Oathbreaker, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

According to the Rules Reference Guide page 10, Setup, #2 Gather Components: "Then set the activation slider of each squadron to display the blue end of the slider with the [blue] icon."

*This is before the 'Deploy Ships' step.

According to the Rules Reference Guide page 12, Squadron Activation, 4th bullet point: "A squadron cannot activate if the color and icon of its activation slider do not match the initiative token."

No where in the objective 'Hyperspace Assault' is any mention of adjusting the slider of the squadrons that arrive due to this objective. They way I read the rules, squadrons cannot activate or be activated by the [squadron] command the turn they arrive-- if they arrive on an even numbered turn (when the initiative token is on the red side).

Can someone please find a rule that contridicts the rules as I read them?


I may be mistaken, but I believe the slider is just to help players keep track of what has activated that turn. By default, the initiative token starts on blue, so the fighters naturally do the same. I don't believe this means that, for the objective you're talking about, that squadrons start out activated. If you hyperspace in on an even turn, just start the sliders on the red side.

At least, that's my take on it. Still haven't played with most of the objectives at this point. And I don't have that card in front of me either.

edit: Just went and looked at the card. Sticking with my initial assessment.

Edited by willismaximus

for the objective you're talking about, that squadrons start out activated.

Don't you mean they start out NOT activated? I'm pretty sure that's how its meant to work. It would be a poor objective if your squadrons jumped in and couldn't fight - it is 'Hyperspace ASSAULT' after all :P

Just set the sliders to whatever the current initiative colour is when they jump in.

He said he does not believe that would be the case. The quote you picked out cuts out all of the context.

I may be mistaken, but I believe the slider is just to help players keep track of what has activated that turn.

I found the only mention of a squadron being able to activate, or not, in the Rules Reference Guide under the bullet point I already pointed out on my origional post.

It would be a poor objective if your squadrons jumped in and couldn't fight - it is 'Hyperspace ASSAULT' after all :P

Just set the sliders to whatever the current initiative colour is when they jump in.

I'm not just going to ignore what the rules say because of how I interpret the name of an objective card.

I am looking a rule--from the rulebook, FAQ, or errata--that contridicts the rules, as written, that I have cited.


I may be mistaken, but I believe the slider is just to help players keep track of what has activated that turn.

I found the only mention of a squadron being able to activate, or not, in the Rules Reference Guide under the bullet point I already pointed out on my origional post.

It would be a poor objective if your squadrons jumped in and couldn't fight - it is 'Hyperspace ASSAULT' after all :P

Just set the sliders to whatever the current initiative colour is when they jump in.

I'm not just going to ignore what the rules say because of how I interpret the name of an objective card.

I am looking a rule--from the rulebook, FAQ, or errata--that contridicts the rules, as written, that I have cited.


You are correct. In the rules as written, you would set the squadrons to "blue" and there is nothing in the rules or the card text (as I found it online, no way to check the actual card right now) that says something else and that would lead to the squadrons entering as inactive on even numbered rounds as a consequence.

However, the rules on activating a squadron or ship does not state that it needs to be deployed to do so.

So .. technically, until we have an Errata or FAQ clarifying it, nothing in the RAW stops you from activating your undeployed ships or undeployed squadrons instead of the ones on the board. So that allows for some nice stalling options. I am fairly certain that although that is RAW, it is not intended.

Technically, also RAW, the ships that are not deployed will be destroyed at the beginning of round one. They are "outside the play area", which causes them to be destroyed.

So .. "Hyperspace Assault" implicitly, but not explicitly, breaks quite a few rules. So I believe it is save to assume that the squadrons enter in a state that allows them to be activated that round.

Edited by chrisdk

As far as rules books go, only having 1 "house rule" card is mighty impressive for a first edition.

He said he does not believe that would be the case. The quote you picked out cuts out all of the context.

My bad. I misread it - it was first thing and I hadn't had my 2nd cup of tea ;)

As a squadron has to activate every turn even if it does nothing, then there is nothing to suggest that squadrons not on the table don't follow the same rule. So at the end of turn 1 the hyperspacing squadrons move their sliders.

Yeah, I just command dial and change slider my off-map stuff when I do it for the on map stuff.

As a squadron has to activate every turn even if it does nothing, then there is nothing to suggest that squadrons not on the table don't follow the same rule. So at the end of turn 1 the hyperspacing squadrons move their sliders.

That's a very good way of looking at it.

There's just no way that the intention was to screw over squadrons on the odd turns.

This has been cleared up by the latest FAQ.

"When a squadron that was set aside

is deployed, set its activation slider to
display the same color as the initiative

This has been cleared up by the latest FAQ.

"When a squadron that was set aside

is deployed, set its activation slider to
display the same color as the initiative

That's half of it. It does not clarify wether Squadrons are allowed to Hyperspace by themselves or not.

It does say that if you Bring Yavaris and Squadrons on at the Start of Turn 2, those Squadrons should be on Orange "Unactivated" initiative, rather than default Blue "Sorry, You've already Activated" Initiative. Which, if were the case, you'd only want to Hyperspace on Turn 3 or Turn 5, so you were Matching By Default.