RTL: Dark Priests and Sorceres overpowered?

By Stefan, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


we're currently playing a copper-campaign in RTL, and since I upgraded the Eldritches to silver, they make tremendous damage combined with high health- and armor-values. Especially the Dark Priests reach immense damage values and even bring threat in, since every surge gives one threat, 1 damage and 1 range. My heroes need two, often three hits to kill a dark priest since he has 10 health and 3 armor and they couldn't achieve really good weapons yet. Is this normal?



Stefan said:


we're currently playing a copper-campaign in RTL, and since I upgraded the Eldritches to silver, they make tremendous damage combined with high health- and armor-values. Especially the Dark Priests reach immense damage values and even bring threat in, since every surge gives one threat, 1 damage and 1 range. My heroes need two, often three hits to kill a dark priest since he has 10 health and 3 armor and they couldn't achieve really good weapons yet. Is this normal?



Yes, hence why Eldritch is the best of the monster categories.

And since you can spawn them even without Treachery, fear them. Fear them greatly.

Well, not really, just get some good Copper weapons and you'll be fine :P


Hush you... Dark Priests are great. You must be a hero player. Shame. Upgraded Dark Priests are the OL friends.

No, I'm the OL and a bit ashamed by the fact that I made nearly 30CP in two levels yesterday. Not dungeons. Levels.

Hmm, what did your heros do while you reached 25 xp? They should have completet 1 dungeon (or 2 partial) visitited 1 Market and trainded for a week... What did they gain?

Stefan said:

No, I'm the OL and a bit ashamed by the fact that I made nearly 30CP in two levels yesterday. Not dungeons. Levels.

If you are in Copper with Silver Eldritch and pull a pair of difficult dungeon levels this actually isn't that uncommon. This is when the Heroes need to learn the value of cutting and running after the first or second level.

Last week I had a great dungeon level where I racked up a massive 30 conquest! On one level!. It was the last regular level of the silver Legendary areas, and so the heroes were hell bent on finishing since I'd burned the towns where a number of important skills were. I was lucky and drew the summoning level that lets me start with a demon (gold level) and 4 sorcs, with the potential for summoning a master demon if the sorcs stayed around long enough. I'd also started with 20 threat and a handful of nice cards. My first turn I summoned the threat skeleton horde, and some more skeles two turns later. They did manage to kill off the sorcs and get one hero through the portal, shutting down the summoning, but not before I was able to tear the party to shreds.