That are engaged with friendly squadrons? Friendly fire and all that.
Can ships attack squadrons...
Yes they can. No friendly fire rules as such. Just make sure LOS, Arc and range are good and watch out for obstructions.
edit - removed incorrect obstacles advice.
Edited by DWRRAha, thanks!
Yes they can. No friendly fire rules as such. Watch out for squadrons making it an obscured shot thought
Suadrons do not obstruct.
RRG P8 Obstructed:
Squadrons do not obstruct attacks.
Quick Q: Can a ship fire a pop shot at long range (1red dice) to a fighter squadron if the ship has enhanced armament equipped?
Quick Q: Can a ship fire a pop shot at long range (1red dice) to a fighter squadron if the ship has enhanced armament equipped?
As the card says, enhanced armaments only effects the ship's "Battery armaments", not the "Anti-squadron armaments". In other words, Enhanced armaments do not affect the dice pool when attacking squadron.
Edited by Viper Jr.Oops played that wrong! ;-) thanks for the reply. I saw a weapon and I fired it.