local trolls and you know who you are

By comdieguy, in Odds & Ends

will yes i have had problems with are local trolls i have moved on and now find myself enjoy said troll even a little jeolous of his bridge with its math cannons. for those that face the troll some will lose and some will learn to live with said troll. good day to all of you.

Recognition makes me happy. <3

Oh yeah, I'm doin' another Photoshoot down at Alton soon. I'll be sure to get a picture of me standing under the bridge ;]

we'll have to photoshop some math cannons in

I still have the original maths cannon.

One day I'll remember to upload a picture of it. I might do that now...

I'm a Troll Sidekick...is fun.

Hmm.. what would that make me, then, as I sell the bridges for the Troll to wander to 'n from?

Perchance Chief of HQ? Or somethin or another?

Well...I need a 'Q' of sorts to invent crazy stuff for me to explode, or new fangled bridges for me to troll.

Lulz boy! Fetch this man an application form!

*kracks knuckles* You want explosions?





Then I'm definitely your man.


ooh bad naruto refanrce kill it kill it. why do i try to type at 7 in the morning

Yous Guys are Just in time for the fire works show.......BOOOOOM!


*Suck on that obscure reference!*

darn you wttd and bothering my peaceful day with something i should know but cant think of cause my brain stopped working