Can Tomb of Ice be played without RtL?

By nightelfxs, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Just wondering something. My group and I are almost to the end of AoD and don't really want to get into RtL yet. Can we skip to Tomb of Ice without missing any key aspects that will make the game more favorable for one side or the other? Thank you as always!

nightelfxs said:

Just wondering something. My group and I are almost to the end of AoD and don't really want to get into RtL yet. Can we skip to Tomb of Ice without missing any key aspects that will make the game more favorable for one side or the other? Thank you as always!

I think you might misunderstand the expansion structure. ToI requires nothing from RtL to play it. The only thing you need for ToI is the core set. All expansions for Descent are designed to work solely with the core set and have no dependence on each other. This can actually cause problems at times, but its the way FFG does it.

ToI can be integrated into RtL, but its doesn't work the other way.

And to further +1 that, ToI was my first expansion. RtL was my last.

Even though ToI has /some/ RtL elements, they are *very* few. A few dungeon cards, a rumor card, and the details in the rulebook. Everything else is normal/vanilla Descent add-on stuff. So, yes, ToI can be (and should be) played without RtL :)
