Mission cards...

By Rich J, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds

Almost as important as squad building. Which objectives do you pick for your faction of choice - which ones do you avoid.

Apart from the obvious Intel Sweep for rebs I am undecided.

Edited by Rich J

I've been playing as Rebels and generally choose these:
Assault: Precision Strike (this is bait. The Imperial opponent won't choose this, as they don't have any bombers yet)

Defense: Hyperspace Assault (good way to get some X-Wings and a corvette behind those VSDs)

Navigation: Intel Sweep (obvious for rebels) or Superior Positions (I will focus on taking out TIEs and use X-Wings to get points on the VSDs)

So I kind of stack the Objectives to steer my opponent to a choice I want.

I find that the Imperial Player will never pick my Precision Strike, so this gives me a 50/50 chance to get one of the other two.

Actually, I prefer Superior Positions to Intel Sweep and feel it is easier for me to score points that way with my X-Wings. And getting Dodonna's Pride behind a VSD guarantees a damage card every time you can fire at it!