First Armada Tournament in Leicester, England Sat 25th April

By devilman9050, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Hi all,

We're going to be running the Armada Spring Tournament at Tabletop Tyrant in Leicester on Saturday 25th April, doors open 10:00 for a 10:30 start.

We'll be playing the 180 point rules:

You will need to bring either an Imperial or Rebel fleet of no more than 180 points, with not more than 60 points being Squadrons. Your fleet must also include a Commander

You also need to bring 3 objective cards, one of each colour. These cannot be changed between rounds.

Don't worry if you haven't played many games, this will be a fairly casual tournament as we all get used to how things work.

Entry fee will be £5, or free if you bought your core set from Tabletop Tyrant.

The store already have the Spring Prize kit in, so we're good to go!

Here's a link to the event on Facebook:

Ping me if you have any questions,


We, the Norf London boys, are there !

Despite my better judgement I am going to take the Rebels and hope to get the missions !

Suspect there will be a lot of Imp on Imp action...

That's my birthday so toast to me and blow up some ships!