Is the rune Ghost Armor considered an armor when hit by effects that ignore armor such as traps?

By cogollo, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I ran into this today while playing an RtL campaign:

Traps usually ignore armor. Is the Ghost Armor rune also bypassed by this kind of damage? Or is it considered only a rune, thus useful also against traps?

cogollo said:

I ran into this today while playing an RtL campaign:

Traps usually ignore armor. Is the Ghost Armor rune also bypassed by this kind of damage? Or is it considered only a rune, thus useful also against traps?

Ghost Armor is a rune, not armor so it can be used to cancel the wounds taken from traps that normally ignore armor.

The question is moot, because things that "ignore armor" ignore your armor stat , not your armor items .

The word "armor" means two things in Descent. It's a statistic that reduces damage you take, and it's a class of item. Things that "ignore armor" use the first definition. You still retain all the benefits of armor items except for actual plus armor--for example, the Cloak of Deception still allows you to roll dice and cancel wounds for each blank, even if the wounds ignore armor.

And whether or not Ghost Armor is a rune would be irrelevant even if they bypassed armor items, because runes still have other item classifications. Rune weapons are still weapons. Ghost Armor is not an armor because it's an "Other" item, not because it's a rune.

Antistone said:

The question is moot, because things that "ignore armor" ignore your armor stat , not your armor items .

Thanks for the clear and to the point answers. I like this interpretation and will apply it in our campaign as it makes things much clearer (no need now to check the type of item, only the total armor stat is ignored).