questions on Fly

By jackkaso, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

hi everybody

i've got 2 questions on flying heroes:

1) is a hero with fly immune to trap cards like the pit one? if not does the hero take only the damage, or is he also supposed to be inside the pit?

2)if a monster ( a dragon perhaps) is in front of a closed door and the only way to open it is to kill the him, can a hero with fly jump over the monster and open the door from an occupied space? ( same question for a hero with acrobat skill i suppose)

thx very much


me and my friends bought the TOI exp a few days ago and we have found that the new feat cards give the hero sm chances to win the match against the overlord..... from no chances that they had before TOI , it' a great improvement to the balance of the game

1) The Acrobat skill and the Fly ability give no inherent protection against trap cards (or the trap tokens from expansions). If a Spiked Pit was played on you and you didn't roll a blank, you'd still fall into the pit and suffer 2 wounds. However, moving out of the pit space would only cost you 1 movement point, instead of two.

2) Yes, both Fly and Acrobat allow you to open or close a door while in the same space as an enemy figure (and you can open or close a door while in the same space as an allied figure regardless).

short , clear and fast answer... thx very much