Noob question. Objective cards as Shadow cards

By jimjim19681968, in Rules questions & answers

Apologies for this basic question.

Journey to Rhosgobel.

The plant, Athelas, has come up as a shadow card.

Does the card go to the discard pile, or shuffled back in to the deck.

Thanks in advance.

Sadly, it is discarded. This is a good quest for some scry (Denethor) or a card like this one:


Thank you for your swift reply.

I am playing an all Lore deck, based on the Forest Masters deck (which I love). I was just looking at Denethor and wondering to swap him into the deck. I have Faramir, Aragon and Mirlonde. I was thinking of replacing Mirlonde as she keeps getting killed by nasty treachery cards wounding questing heroes, but her reduction of threat is nice.

I'll give it a few more tries and see what happens.

Thanks again. So nice to have a community so helpful and speedy!

All of Your heroes is your sideboard. You can change them from quest to quest.