So, while perusing the overlap section in the rules guide (yes, this is what I do in my spare time, don't judge me) I find this little gem:
Rules Guide pg 8
#3rd bullet point
"If a ship must execute a maneuver at a reduced speed due to overlapping another ship, it is allowed to overlap the maneuver tool in its final position. "
Is that referring to this rule?:
Rules Guide pg 8
Ship Movement
3rd bullet point
" . . . if it would overlap the maneuver tool, rest the ship's position, insert the maneuver tool into the opposite side of the ship, and move the ship."
Is this specifically saying that you can insert the maneuver tool into the "wrong" side of the ship if a collision happens when inserting it normally? (Granted still treating it as an overlap.)
Or is there something else going on here?