Block 4 - Zi Mei w/ Air

By Saikyun, in UFS Deck Building

I haven't gotten to try this yet, but I thought it looked kind of fun.

Characters: (1x)
1x Zi Mei**

Attacks: (20x)
4x Lowdown Neb (4/3 5L1 +2M)

4x Execution Technique First Rite (4/3 3L3 +2L)
4x Execution Technique Second Rite (5/3 4H3 +2H)
4x Execution Technique Third Rite (5/3 4M6)

4x Zi Mei's Wheel Kick (3/3 2H1 +2M)

Actions: (4x)
4x Ascending Zephyr (2/5)

Assets: (4x)
3x Eiserne Drossel (3/5 +2M)

Foundations: (32x)
4x Mishima Zaibatsu Leader (2/5 +2H)
4x Communing with the Ancients (3/5)

4x Perfect Sense of Balance (2/5)
4x Stoic Assassin (2/5)

4x From the Mouse, Humility (2/5 +3L)
4x From the Hawk, Alertness (1/5 +3M)
4x Ruthless (1/5)
4x Mesmerizing Dance (2/5 +3M)

You win by making Lowdown Neb a multiple when you have 2 attacks in your card pool. You get momentum with Ascending Zephyr and Mishima Zaibatsu Leader. If you can just try to win with the execution rites. I haven't tried the deck yet, but constructive critique would be nice. :)

Solitary Assasin should be added, It can give you 2 momentum by using Zi-mei's ability

Uh, I had forgotten that enhances doesn't work with multiple. Stupid me. :P

Just a heads-up on Solitary Assassin, you can play the attack's multiple AND THEN use Solitary Assassin ;)

Also, no Fury of the Ancients? Por quois?

Oh, I guess that makes sense. I was so into my non-working "combo". :P I'm going to have to change this deck, but I'll do that later. And the reason I didn't use it was because of lack of momentum, but if I do it that way I guess that won't be a problem. Thanks for the tip.

Saikyun said:

Oh, I guess that makes sense. I was so into my non-working "combo". :P I'm going to have to change this deck, but I'll do that later. And the reason I didn't use it was because of lack of momentum, but if I do it that way I guess that won't be a problem. Thanks for the tip.

but blowing up your staging area instead is more fun :P

I guess that might be true. :)