
By alexbobspoons, in The Lord of the Rings - Print on Demand

I realise that the concept of pod is they take your order and then print to meet the order so stock levels arent an issue...but...

Has there been any aspect of rarity discussed at any point? Eg the very first pod adventure, its still available but will it always be, or will it at some point be discontinued as an older non mainstream product?

Should the pod be bought while available?

I expect everything released for the LotR LCG will continue to be available for the foreseeable future. Not counting temporary supply shortages between reprints. The Game of Thrones LCG still has all of their packs available, right? They probably won't be much longer because they are going to 2nd edition, but my point is that you will have plenty of warning before anything permanently goes out of print.

Thank you :)

.....though I am tempted to get the pod scenarios as they seem less available in uk than the nightmare decks (and I wint need NM decks for a long time). I appreciate pod scenarios are also harder, but just dont get stocked in uk stores so its tempting to order them :)

Gosh I really cant stop buying this game.