Hybrid Classes

By Wallack, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi lads.

I created 6 Hybrid classes. Each class has 2 pdf with the cards, one with bleeds usable to be printed at DriveThruCards and one without the bleed to print and cut directly (square corners).

They are mainly for coop purposes so they might not be balanced at all.

Paladin: usable by warriors or healers

Mainly a tank with some DPS abilities that can focus on tanking or healing. Can be a healing support class.


Shaman: usable by mages or scouts

Supportive class that can focus on multisupport or focus on one type of support (healing or damage boost) or focus on damage. Uses totems.


Warlock: usable by healers or mages

Damage class that can heal a little bit (mostly to itself) focused on manipulating life (own and else's). Can overspend fatigue (into damage) if needed.


Warmage: usable by mages or warriors

A warrior that uses its melee weapon as a ranged one with some supportive spells to buff himself or increase its survivability. This class features two high end spells (lvl 3 abilities) that can be used only ONCE per encounter.


Druid: usable by healers or scouts

Main focus of this class is to use one of its forms (bear to tank or cat to dps). While morphed can't use items but can benefit from the equiped items surges (except from shields). Also has some supportive and healing spells to use.


Duelist: usable by warriors or scouts

A warrior that focus in 1on1 combat. Gains benefits against his dueler and enemies outside the duel must spend additional surges to attack him. Can even deflect arrows (can't be the target of a ranged attack) or parry attacks.



That's an example from DriveThruCards.

The colour is a little bit different from the originals but that's normal.

The quality is really great (even if is the standard and not the premium one) and the size and radius are EXACTLY the same.

Definitely going to print it with them.

Shaman's totems are affected to any cards or wording "hero's type"? Cause in coop his totems are great "tanks" :D

I think they should be, as well as the Imp Familiar. I shoul have to reword them.

Sounds cool, dude. I´ll try it once i get used to the main game. :)

These look like fun, Wallack. Nice work!