Considerations on dungeons in SoB

By TheHunterBoy, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

So, the first level of the dungeons in Sob will be the island shore...

Well.....but if you take a look to the SoB map, there are many dungeons in the mountains, or even far from the sea....

I guess they will work similarly to RtL: I don't want to think to put a sea-shore at the entrance of a mountain dungeon!

Kevin cleared this up on a BGG post:

Basically, the "islands" have their own unique top-level setup, then 2 standard dungeons. The land-based dungeons are like RtL, just 3 standard dungeons.


It seems that we'll have only an island-shore map to set-up the first level of the island least I hope we'll be able to change its shape with o TON of tokens each time!

30 dungeon cards insted of 40: maybe this means that the other 10 cards will represent the "island 1st levels" of the island dungeons.....

TheHunterBoy said:

It seems that we'll have only an island-shore map to set-up the first level of the island least I hope we'll be able to change its shape with o TON of tokens each time!

30 dungeon cards insted of 40: maybe this means that the other 10 cards will represent the "island 1st levels" of the island dungeons.....

That is exactly right.

I wonder what the reverse side of the island-map looks like. Is it just a blue sea and tokens are put on depending on the encounter? Or is there something printed, and sometimes covered by encounter tokens, sometimes not?

Speaking of boat-encounters, I wonder how they compare to land-encounters in RtL. Quite quickly land-encounters are very easy to beat, and the Heroes start looking for them since it's extra gold. Are the SoB encounters more lethal, fearsome? Or still the cakewalks RtL's are like? (which makes me wonder why SoB doesn't have land enounters?)

And Town Portals, where's that stone of teleportation thingy at? Is it in one of the main towns? In your boat? Where do you go when you "go to town"?
