Is that true?
Initially I assumed that you can go negative handsize without dying .... since I remember hearing stories about people taking 6 brain damage and winning games? Maybe they weren't aware of that rule?
If this is true, then The Valley is the strongest card we've seen in game since Jackson Howard ( blessed be his name) ... it ignores Plascrete,it ignores I've had Worse, it ignores Deus Ex ... it ignores everything .... except some Ekomind/ Pyblic Sympathy/ Origami deck ... which at the moment do not exist o-O
Negative Handsize = Flatline ?!
Yes, it's true. If you steal 7th agenda point before EOT, it doesn't matter. But yes, negative hand size has always been a flatline at EOT.
Core Set rules p. 20:
If the Runner takes more damage than the number of cards in
his grip, or if he has a maximum hand size of less than zero at
the end of his turn, then he is flatlined and the Corporation
wins the game.