Descent/Runebound world history

By EldarRhune, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Just curious-has there been an attempt to collect the history of the world of these two games into a reference document that could be used in scenario design?

Not that I know of, but would be nice. If you find anything, please let me know.

Just started going through the cards from Runebound to try to put something together. Have had no luck with my google-fu.

There has been no such attempt that I am aware of, but I would certainly be interested in seeing the results of such. I think there are a few cards that are outright different between the two games, so there may be a few contradictions to resolve.

Given that FFG appears to be publishing more and more RPGs of late, I sincerely hope it only a matter of time before we get a Terrinoth RPG. =)

Are there any tie-ins with the old Disk Wars stories? Or was that a completely different background?

Lindsey said:

Are there any tie-ins with the old Disk Wars stories? Or was that a completely different background?

I never played Disk Wars. Has art from that game been recycled into RB/D? If they have, especially the heroes, then there's a good chance they are connected, if only a little. I'll have to do some research into this.

I knew I'd read about this, somewhere. From Fantasy Flight's announcement of Runewars:

"...we decided to directly make the game [Runewars] fit within FFG’s Runebound universe, which also encompasses our Descent: Journey’s in the Dark game. What was to be entitled "Battlemist 2nd Edition" was instead re-named Runewars.
In many ways this was a wonderful development, as we could now finally tell the story of how the world and background of Battlemist (which was also shared in Diskwars) tied into that of of the Runebound universe, something that you’ll hear more about in the months ahead."

That said, I don't remember seeing any Diskwars art in Runebound or Descent. But I could easily have missed it.

Lindsey said:

"...we decided to directly make the game [Runewars] fit within FFG’s Runebound universe, which also encompasses our Descent: Journey’s in the Dark game. What was to be entitled "Battlemist 2nd Edition" was instead re-named Runewars.

In many ways this was a wonderful development, as we could now finally tell the story of how the world and background of Battlemist (which was also shared in Diskwars) tied into that of of the Runebound universe, something that you’ll hear more about in the months ahead."

So from this I infer that Disk Wars and Battlemist shared a universe. Well, technically I don't infer it because they said so explicitly. But the line about Battlemist 2e being renamed Runewars implies that there was not a direct connection between DW/BM and RB/D. Until now. It sounds like they're taking two non-contradictory fantasy settings and putting them together as one, effectively *making* DW/BM part of the Terrinoth universe, even if it wasn't officially part of it before. Could be interesting. At the very least it likely means the known Terrinoth universe will be expanding, and that hasn't been anything to object to for me in the past. =)

That sounds a good explanation to me. If there had been obvious common elements between Runebound/Descent and Diskwars/Battlemist, I'd probably have noticed it somewhere.