Doku's Trade List

By Dokurorider, in UFS Trading

Offers preferred through email. You can reach me at [email protected] or [email protected]
simul-send preferred, but will follow ref rule if you wish. I'm currently +78/0 (or something like that, lost track due to lack of updates).


Proficient Sniper x2
Shockwave Palm x2
Flinging Half Nelson x1
Cold and Indifferent x1


Nightmare x4
Siegfried x4
Astaroth x2
Algol x2
Cervantes x4
Ivy x4
Tira x2
Hilde x1
Cassandra x1
Zhao Daiyu x1
Temujin x1
Rashotep x1
White Crane x2
Kazuya Mishima x4
Heihachi Mishima x1
Jin Kazama x2

Soul Wave x4
Hunger For Souls x2
No Forgiveness x3
Immovable Object x3
Switching Weapon Styles x4
Aura of Strength x1
Unnatural Grace x3
Summoning Evil x4
Ascending Zephyr x1
The Dragon of Mt. Lao x2
Flowing Strikes x2
Destruction in his Wake x3

Soul Edge x2
Tower of Remembrance - Encounter x2
Soul Calibur x4
Tower of Remembrance - Spiral of Time x2
Kulutues x1
Kunpaetku Shrine - Dream Remnants x1
Pseudo-Soul Edge x1
Tower of Remembrance - Degredation x3
Acheron & Nirvana x1
Valentine x2
Eiserne Drossel x5
Ostrheinsburg Castle - Twilight x2
Gianzende Nova and Frischer Himmel x2
Wolfkrone Monument x1
Valkyrja's Shield x1
Scroll of the Celestial Dawn x1
The Double Crown of Egypt x2
Path of the Master x3
Kazuya's Gloves x3
Devil Gene x2
Tekken Forces x3

Double Grounder Beta x2
Reborn Basher x4
Hades Destroyer x1
Hades x1
Curse of the Ancient Mariner x2
Shadow Flare x4
Raging Gnome x1
Howling Spirits x4
Cross Madness x4
Siren's Call x3
Hammer Uppercut x2
Peaceful Path Hold x3
Wrath of Heaven x1
Dragon Lifter x2
Descending Dragon Spear x1
Command the Sandstorm x1
Lightning Uppercut x3
Double Face Kick x4
Close Throw (foil reprint) x1
Mark of the Beast (foil reprint) x2

The Azure Knight x4
Memories that Stain its Armor x3
Atoning for His Wicked Deeds x3
Anger Towards a God x2
Temporary Being x2
No Mercy x2
Artificial Soul x4
Researching Anywhere x4
Mesmerizing Dance x2
Challenge to Battle x2
Tower of Souls x4
Unstoppable Warrior x2
Bloodies but Unbowed x2
Determined to Be the Best x2
Calming the Mind x1
Endless Years of Practice x2
Valued but Not Trusted x1
Shadowar x1
Faithful Bodyguard x3
Need to Destroy x1
Cursed Blood (foil reprint) x2

email sent

I need your me [email protected]

I have Raging Gnome and x1 Memories That Stain Its Armor.

Stuff that I liked are:

x2 Path of the Master
x1 Midnight Launcher
x2 Shadow Flare
x2 Chasing After the Power

I got a Gnome and Armor coming in, the only thing I really need at the moment is a Controller of Souls.



Ice Pick
Ascending Zephyr


Jin Kazama x3

One of the Jins is being traded. I updated my wants if you want to make an offer for the other 2.


Ice Pick
Ascending Zephyr


Jin Kazama x2
Close Throw (foil reprint) x1
Need to Destroy x4