I was hooked on the Android Universe when I first laid eyes on Android: The Board game. Then there's Android Netrunner which is beautiful and wonderful and I wish I could play it more. Then there's Android infiltration which is what I usually get to play because it is easier to teach and get going with a group and a PHENOMENAL game.
Also, it's the only game of the three that says "Android Universe" on it which suggests to me they planned on expanding it. But Infiltration got no expansions (which is very strange for FFG) and we haven't seen a new Android Universe game in 3 years. And now they have dropped Infiltration.
What gives? I absolutely love the Android Universe and will be really sad if FFG has forsaken it. C'thulhu, Star Wars, Warhammer, and other FFG properties are always being expanded with new games and expansions for those games.
This leads me to the following questions. Is Android not popular enough? Or are there actually some new Android games in the works? Dropping a very good existing game completely definitely makes me feel that it's the former. A shame. But perhaps someone from FFG could shed some light on this.
Edited by Ohbeone