question for the non-robot guys on the Patriot games card ;)

By Admiral Ren, in UFS Uk Forum

Will you have a trade topic or something? I'dlike to get some (signed) copies. some for my collection and some for my soon-to-be-new playgroup.

As of now, i don't have tekken cards, its a matter of weeks (i hope not that much wait is needed)


Non-robot guys? Not entirely sure what you mean by that.....? Am I a robot...? happy.gif

We haven't decided how we'll distribute them yet - yes, we will definitely be trading some, but we plan to distribute them between our team and some of the UK first. It's difficult for us to all meet up at the same time so it's taking us a while.

What we're primarily trying to do is get as many championship cards into the UK as possible as the UK doesn't see many of them. Obviously we're stil looking for chase cards like the ever-elusive Knight Breakers, but beyond that we haven't really talked about it and we haven't really looked at Tekken yet.

- Ross