Mini Block Tira

By Nemesis15, in UFS Deck Building


2x Ragnar


1x Jolly Side
1x Gloomy Side
2x Unnatural Grace
2x Sa Symbol of Protection


3x Eiserne Drossel
2x Ymirfang


4x KA Technique
4x Brooding
3x Lives for Battle
4x In Search of Plunder
4x Intimidating Presence
4x All Life is Prey
4x Treacherous Offspring
4x Maniacal Laughter
3x Vengance


4x Flooded Nile Throw
3x Midnight Launcher
3x Spinning Demon
2x Lion Slayer
2x Shreading Vibrato
2x Evil Mist

This is the 1st mini block deck that I have finished, unfortunately no one to test against. Any comments on how to make the deck better would be appreciated..

Why do you have Treacherous Offspring? I don't really see anything that needs momentum that you won't be able to generate better by just attacking. One momentum for RFGing a ready foundation does not seem like a great thing in a deck that might not need it.

Nina support would be interesting in this deck. WIpe the Floor could be good, as hand control. War between Sisters for the same reason.

I have looked into Tira a very little bit. I never really got past my idea of a multiple Earth Divide, so that is all I have right now.


The reason for Trecherous Offspring is for a. turn 2 start swinging with either spinning demon. b. multiple on any attack with Tira..

I do agree with your idea about using nina support I will look into it cheers..

I've always run t-offspring just because its another spam foundation. Might as well be blank in some games I've played with Tira, but being a 7hs and squishy you really need to get alot of cards to commit early so you can swing for death quicker.

with the right hand she starts swinging turn 2 with 16 attacks its real easy to draw into alot of them

tbh I consider Cursed Blood, Brooding and Treacherous Offspring to be auto-4xs in any Death deck, just because they're useful 1 difficulty drops. On turn 1, getting 3 foundations guaranteed and then risking a 5 for another 2diff at the end, to me, is worth cutting any number of merely "good" 2 difficulty foundations that would require a risky play (ie, a 4 check) by the 3rd card.

i dont like brooding here tiras to fragile to actually use it unless its your kill turn so it usually sits as a blank foundation for most of the game yeah its a 1 diff but so are the other 2 that you mentioned and they actually do something useful

Brooding can be nice in a Tira Deck, if you get a Jolly Side to match. Drop a few HP into some extra damage, then gain it back as the attack does damage. Attacks like Swing Kick are really nice on this tech, as a spot of Brooding is healed back by its E if it deals damage, and if it is half-blocked, it does a whole point of damage more (3 instead of 2).

I agree on the Cursed Blood being an Auto-Include in and Death deck, exspecially a 7 HS character, as you will be wanting to draw into attacks a soon as possible, and Cursed Blood clearing the top of the deck of foundations is really nice. And if it clears attacks, well, you just got yourself a bit of board control.
