If i play Blind Submission on my opponents committed Vicoria Glasser, is she still committed to the story but now on my side of the story?
Can i take control of her if i ´ve had my 'own' Victoria?
If i play Blind Submission on my opponents committed Vicoria Glasser, is she still committed to the story but now on my side of the story?
Can i take control of her if i ´ve had my 'own' Victoria?
FAQ, p.7:
"Any time a player gains control of a
committed character during a story, that
character is removed from the story.
The limits of unique cards still apply.
You cannot gain control of or play a
unique card if you already control or
own a copy of that card in play."
Thanks a lot.
another related question:
if I take control of an opponent's character which is exhausted (because it's commited to a story, or any other reason), does it come into my playfield ready or exhausted?
FAQ, p. 6:
"When you gain control of a card, that
card’s status does not change. Thus,
if you gain control of an insane or
exhausted character, they remain insane
or exhausted."
Seriously, nobody reads the FAQ ?
Ouch!! Granted i forgot about the patch