I got my wife to play with me tonight! YATA!!!
She was playing the BoD Wisdom Form Starter deck and I was playing a custom Roxas deck.
On my first hand I drew Olette and Oblivion. So obviously I played her and equiped it.
My Roxas is now a 15/1. Now I wanted her to continue playing and learning the game so I did
not challange her for many turns. Then she drops Wisdom Form and a couple of turns later
She trys to play 3 equipment on WF Sora. I told her it's not possible and when she wouldn't
listen because Roxas was a powerhouse I tried to tell her Sora only has 2 hands so I would
only allow her to play 2, and even then I couldn't see how, without the text on the card stating
otherwise, it could be equiped as a second Keyblade.
I want to make sure of this rule so neither of us learn the wrong way.
Can a character equip 2 equipment cards of different names? EX: Sora with Kingdom Key and Olympia...
Last two questions I promise...
My wife wouldn't play her world cards because she had 2 Olympus Coliseum's and said that
it didn't count to play the 2nd 1 on her next turn because she wasn't really changing worlds.
Is that right? Can you play the same world on top of the same world?
Last one... Do you have to meet any specific conditions for playing Dark/Villian cards on a world
or do you treat them like Dark/Heartless where as long as they meet the total world levels add up
you can play them? And does the Dark levels add up as well? Like Olympus coliseum Level 1
played twice would have a total level of 2 but would I be able to play two heartless on it?
Thanks for the clearification,