is ffg going to do anything new for this title? hate to see it die, good game.
dont kill motogp..
i agree. played this at my FLGS,and had a blast!
I played this at a Local Con and fell in love with it. We are playing it all day tomorrow at my FLGS. We are going to run a cicuit of 3-4 tracks over the day and see who can pull out as the over all winner.
Gobbo said:
I played this at a Local Con and fell in love with it. We are playing it all day tomorrow at my FLGS. We are going to run a cicuit of 3-4 tracks over the day and see who can pull out as the over all winner.
It's been long enough to surmise the winner, no?
Session report, please.
I've never seen it before. Sounds interesting from other posts.
Come on FFG, more real tracks!
Yeah, That would be really nice, Pleeeeease ^^