Of Dice and Men >> A look at the custom dice and core mechanics of WFRP

By ynnen, in WFRP Archived Announcements

cogollo said:

Have you ever really played D&D 3.5 or 4th edition? How much time do you need to calculate all your bonuses/penalties when the heroes are 5th level or more?... the Wizard casts Haste, the Priest Bless, the Druid casts Barkskin on your Fighter and you decide to give yourself a -2 to your attacks for a +2 to your Damage... then you charge the Hobgoblin and roll 1d20 +7 (Str+basic attack + weapon focus) +1(charging)+1(haste)+1(bless)-2(Power Attack) against the AC 18 of the Hobgoblin... wait, your Rogue colleague is flanking the Hobgoblin, so you get an extra +2 to the attack... sorpresa.gif

and that's only to decide whether you have hit or not!

And thats why some of us wont touch DnD with a 10 foot pole ;)

cogollo said:

Have you ever really played D&D 3.5 or 4th edition? How much time do you need to calculate all your bonuses/penalties when the heroes are 5th level or more?... the Wizard casts Haste, the Priest Bless, the Druid casts Barkskin on your Fighter and you decide to give yourself a -2 to your attacks for a +2 to your Damage... then you charge the Hobgoblin and roll 1d20 +7 (Str+basic attack + weapon focus) +1(charging)+1(haste)+1(bless)-2(Power Attack) against the AC 18 of the Hobgoblin... wait, your Rogue colleague is flanking the Hobgoblin, so you get an extra +2 to the attack... sorpresa.gif

and that's only to decide whether you have hit or not!

Or to visualise this: www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0034.html

As GM, I'm interested in the system because I find adding and substarcting modifiers in my head a wee bit hard to do over a long nights play. Even the simple numbers of V2... If these could become dice, it will lighten the load somewhat.

I like numbers, really, but I'm diffrent (maybe it's because numbers always liked me lengua.gif ).

Anyway, I've decided to try this one. Not because I'm fully convinced (I'm not, and I will be not, until I see some videoa of actual gameplay, and at least short fight example). I will try this one, because I'm starting a new group of beginning players (they are new to the game and fantasy business, and right now on the tabletop and card games stage, moving to the RPG in the near future I hope). They will be my testing animals gran_risa.gif .

Without really knowing (since I've not read the rules per se), I'm still wondering what happens if player is deeper into a Stance than he has Atribute... (Let's say I'm at wreckless 3 but only have 2 Strength for my Strength check.)

In the Gen Con video I got the impression Stance Dice were "added" to the pool. Now it's pretty clear they replace Atribute DIce.

1) Could that happen?

2) How would that be handled?
