Who can tell me the names of these cards please?

By Dreepa, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hello Descent Community!

Since we ve recently started a new RTL session, we ve come across the translations issues again. I made notes once, but I cannot find them anymore. That's why I need your help. The german translation of some cards are not clear. The RTL rulebook is in english, that's but some skills are in german. So it's hard to assign the skills to their appropriate cities.

Any help is appreciated! Here is the list of cards that we need the english original names of:

Skill 1 : You gain the ability Command

Skill 2 : You gain 2 Energy whenever you make a melee attack

Skill 3 : You gain 2 Energy whenever you make a ranged attack

Skill 4 : All ranged attacks with two-handed weapons are aimed attacks

Skill 5 : The overlord gets one less threat counter every turn. Traps inflict 1 damage less (minimum 0)

Skill 6 : Ranged und magic attacks always get +3 range

Skill 7 : If you get a two-handed-bonus, this bonus is raised by +1. Every shield lowers the received damage by 1.

Skill 8 : At ranged and magic attacks, your sight line can be drawn from one title next to you.

Skill 9 : If an enemy creature steps on a tile next to you, you may pay 2 fatigue in instatly attack it once. This might be done every time a creature steps on a field next to you.

Skill 10: At ranged and magic attacks, your sight line can be drawn through one obstacle

Skill 11: Your movement is raised by 2. This bonus is granted after the armor-mali.

Skill 12: You have 1 Sorcery. You may roll one additional powerdie to avoid damage from traps.

Skill 13: You gain 2 Energy whenever you make a magic attack

Skill 14: Armor reduces not your movement. You gain +1 armor when you don't were an armor.

Skill 15: Every time you kill an enemy with a melee attack, you may spent 1 fatigue and do another attack with the same weapon.

Skill 16: Your health is raised by +4.

Skill 17: If you choose the action battle, you may additionally set the order Guard and get +1 armor until the end of turn.

Skill 18: If you choose advance as action, you may instantly get one fatigue-marker back.

Thanks for your help!

Skill 1 (Command): Blessing

Skills 2-3: No idea. I assume by "energy" you mean fatigue, but there is no skill in the English version of Descent that causes you to gain fatigue when attacking, and those sound absurdly overpowered.

Skill 4 (2h ranged attacks aimed): Born to the Bow

Skill 5 (OL gains less threat, reduced damage from traps): Cautious

Skill 6 (+3 range): Marksman

Skill 7: This is probably supposed to be Ambidextrous , which adds +1 damage to your attack when you receive an off-hand bonus (that is, when you're wielding two melee weapons), and causes shields to cancel 1 extra wound when they're exhausted .

Skill 8 (trace LOS from adjacent spaces): Crack Shot

Skill 9 (interrupt attack vs. adjacent monsters): Alertness

Skill 10 (trace LOS through one figure/obstacle): Precision

Skill 11 (+2 speed): Swift (note it increases your speed, it doesn't give you free movement points if you do something like a battle action)

Skill 12 (Sorcery 1, more dice vs. traps): Wild Talent

Skill 13: Like skills 2-3, this doesn't exist in the English version. It could be a replacement for Vampiric Blood , which causes you to gain 1 fatigue every time you kill a monster.

Skill 14 (no speed limit from armor): Endurance

Skill 15 (1 fatigue for an extra melee attack after a kill): Cleaving

Skill 16 (+4 health): Toughness

Skill 17 (+1 armor and Guard when you Battle): Unmovable

Skill 18 (restore 1 fatigue on an Advance): Relentless

You might find this page useful; it lists all the skills, and links to descriptions of their effects.

I guess "Energy" means "surge".

In that case:

2) Weapon Mastery

3) Master Archer

13) Prodigy

For everything else, see Antistone.

Ah! Yeah, you're probably right.